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Programs : Program Search (results)

Following is the list of programs based on the search criteria. Click any program name to view details or to apply. If you would like to request information from our staff about programs matching the search criteria you have selected, use the Request Info button.
You searched for Outgoing programs within any term, having (Course Offerings equal to 'Public Relations'), sorted by Program Name in ascending order.

Program search results
Program search results
Program Name  City Country Region Save/Share
Australia (Melbourne) - La Trobe University Melbourne Australia Australia/Pacific Islands
England (Ormskirk) - Edge Hill University Ormskirk United Kingdom Europe
France (Paris) - SUNY in Paris Paris France Europe
Ireland (Dublin) - University College Dublin Summer Internship Program Dublin Ireland Europe
New Zealand (Auckland) - Auckland University of Technology (AUT) Auckland New Zealand Oceania
New Zealand (Waikato) - University of Waikato Hamilton New Zealand Oceania
Q3 Ireland (Galway & Dublin)- COM 395/PRL 322/GLS 305: International PR: Food, Beverage, and Hospitality Dublin Ireland Europe
Galway Ireland Europe
Q4 South Korea (Seoul) - PRL 395/COM 395/GLS 100: Korean Wave and Media Busan South Korea Asia
Jeju-si South Korea Asia
Seoul South Korea Asia